Confectionery House

Amazon Sellers Intelligence Report For In-Depth Amazon Seller Analysis

Gain comprehensive insights into any Amazon seller's business, metrics, and product listings to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.


Key Business Metrics And Seller Overview

Obtain a snapshot of essential seller metrics, including revenue, order estimates, seller type, rank, reviews, and ratings.

Quickly identify potential growth areas or collaboration opportunities with seller business entity and location information.

Understand a seller's primary focus through their category listings and identify market trends.

Uncover Brands And Product Categories

Analyze the brands a seller lists on Amazon to identify their business model and potential partnerships or threats.

Examine Buybox share at both category and brand levels to optimize your product portfolio and competitiveness.

Gain insights into a seller's product category mix to identify niche markets and develop targeted strategies.


Dive Deeper into Seller History and Product Listings

Review a three-year history of a seller's reviews, offering insights into order volumes, sales performance, and seasonality.

Access up to 5,000 product listings with detailed attributes like barcode, title, price, Amazon fees, category, and sales rank.

Analyze your competition's product offerings, pricing strategies, and market positioning to exploit potential market gaps.

Maximize Your Competitive Advantage With The Seller Intelligence Report

Don't miss the opportunity to gain comprehensive insights into any Amazon seller's business, metrics, and product listings. Make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition with the Seller Intelligence Report.

To get started, simply search for a seller's name and click on the "Seller Intelligence Report" to purchase the report securely.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Seller Leads
  • Advanced Seller Search
  • Tracksellers API
  • Seller Intelligence Report
  • Top Sellers By Domain
  • Top Sellers By Category
  • Research


  • Service Providers
  • Suppliers
  • Amazon Sellers
  • Amazon Customers

Seller Lists

  • Top Sellers By Domain
  • Top Sellers By Category
  • Advanced Seller Search

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